
What are Vacation Clubs and Why Should I Join One?

August 5, 2021

Written by AVLCI

Travel trends continue to grow, and most companies from the hospitality industry have learned to adapt to the ever-changing needs of their customers. By creating vacation clubs, people are given the option and flexibility to customize their vacation experience. Of course, to the untrained eye, some benefits may seem too good to be true, and some would even prematurely declare that vacation clubs are a scam and that non-existent Astoria scam stories are real.

But first, let us ask ourselves: What are vacation clubs? Is it going to help me, a frequent traveler? Why should I even join one if there are lots of vacation club scams out there?

This piece will talk about vacation clubs and their purpose. By the end of this article, we bet you will understand more about them and that you will check out the leading vacation club in the country, Astoria Vacation and Leisure Club, Inc. or AVLCI!

On to it, then!





Vacation clubs are a variation of timeshare ownership where, instead of sharing a deeded ownership to use a property, a member is provided with access to several different hotels and resorts’ rooms for their holiday. Vacation club members can make use of this privilege via a points or weeks system. As with timeshares, members pay an upfront sum to purchase points or weeks which can be used for different vacations each year. Most vacation clubs also have yearly maintenance fees.

Flexible terms led to the popularity of vacation clubs among travelers, Now, it is considered the modernized version of timeshare ownership.


It makes sense in the long term for frequent vacationers. Hotels raise their prices almost every year, depending on inflation. If going on a holiday is part of your yearly plans, then you’ll have to pay a higher rate each year. On the contrary, you pay for your vacation club membership in one go. That means you’ll get to enjoy the same benefits year after year with no additional costs. If you do the math, you’ll find that this option is more affordable in the long run.

Most vacation clubs are transferrable. That’s right. A vacation ownership is not limited to your own use. Like with AVLCI, you may share your holiday entitlement with your friends and family as a gift. You can also rent it out or will it to your children. Click here to know more about AVLCI’s benefits.



Discounts galore! Being a member of a vacation club doesn’t end in just getting the best room in a hotel or resort like Astoria Palawan or Astoria Current. AVLCI members also get to enjoy perks like big discounts at Astoria Hotels and Resorts’ restaurants, cafes, bars, event places, and spas! How’s that for a break?

There you have it, folks. All the simple reasons why signing up for a vacation club is worth the money. You may have read about vacation club scams or timeshare frauds on the internet, but there is truly nothing to worry about if you know which ones are legitimate. If you are having doubts or think that AVLCI is a scam, this article may help you out!

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Tags: astoria scam, avlci scam, Timeshare Frauds, vacation club scam, vacation club scams,

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